School Supplies Project

The purpose of providing educational supplies and sports equipment is to provide basic and necessary tools for the students’ education at the school.   Currently, the students use chalk and blackboards for recording, calculating, and other kinds of study and they lack adequate sports equipment for their physical education.  Dwankhozi Hope is planning to provide 1,000 pencils, 3 classroom pencil sharpeners, 20 individual pencil sharpeners, 200 notebooks, 250 boxes of crayons, 10 boxes of chalk, 20 boxes of ballpoints pens, 30 athletic jerseys, 6 soccer balls, 3 volleyballs (for netball), and 1 hand pump for the school.  These supplies will be purchased in Seattle and delivered to the school by Dwankhozi Hope board and committee members.  Access to these supplies and equipment will enhance the students’ education experience.